Remnants - 20 Mixed Fabrics

Product no.: RM200-06

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£14.00 / pack(s)
Price includes VAT


Remnant / Offcut: A selection of mixed remnants. Lucky Dip 6 includes at least 20 pieces of assorted fabrics (Printed and Plain) of varying lengths (between 0.5 metre and up to 3 metres each) and may include SOME of the following: polycotton, crepe de chine, china silk, cotton, satin, gingham, satin, chiffon, cotton muslin, sequins, viscose, lycra, fleece, fur, felt, leatherette, pvc, lame, jersey, calico etc.

Note: selecting quantity 1 gives you 1 bag of mixed remnants. There are several different "Lucky Dip" remnants available and you may purchase more than one.

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